1. Grocery Shopping
2. Walking Down the Street
3. The Fish Market
4. Church
5. Bugs
6. Footwear
7. Consuming Liquids
8. The Market
9. Riding in Cars
10. Fa'afafine
11. Triduum
12. Showering
13. Cell Phones
14. Tattoos
15. Fale'oloa
16. The Rock
17. Electrical Fans
18. Greetings and Farewells
19. Beer
20. Cruise Ships
21. School Spirit
22. Mourning
23. Using an ATM
24. White Sunday
25. Climate Change
26. Hot Beverages
27. Bingo!
28. Card Games
29. Travel
30. Breadfruit
31. K and T
32. Fala Mats
33. Twentysomethings
34. Rain
35. Bye-bye
36. Pets
37. Mount Vaea
38. E Te Alu i Fea?
39. Niu
40. X-ray Stencils
41. Evening Prayer
42. Traffic
43. Livestock
44. "O" Nouns and "A" Nouns
45. Non-Verbal Communication
46. Student Life
47. Entrepreneurism
48. Salt
49. Birthdays
50. Fe'au
51. The Question Melody
52. Ska Kupe
53. Honking
54. The Big Laugh
55. Recycling
56. Fa'amavae